PTI Panoramica

Discover Germany, Europe and more by bus, flight, train, river and high seas.
With 30,000 satisfied customers, a wide range of domestic and international tours and a strong commitment to the region, PTI Panoramica is one of the most successful travel providers in the new federal states.

The medium-sized family business based in Rostock-Roggentin was founded in 1990 and has grown steadily over the past 33 years. PTI Panoramica currently has 35 employees and 3 trainees under the management of Kai Otto. In addition, there are 35 freelancers who work as tour guides, among other things. In addition, the company "Kreuzfahrtwelten GmbH" was founded in September 2022 with indescribable river cruises and ocean cruises. The travel provider's program includes coach tours, active travel, air travel, long-distance travel, ocean cruises and river cruises to more than 100 destinations worldwide.