
Klub Drushba. Zu Fuß auf dem Weg der Freundschaft von Eisenach bis Budapest

She gasps at every step, breaks out in a sweat at the slightest exertion and is overtaken by pensioners when cycling. She is afraid of spiders, dogs, thunderstorms, deep lakes, steep heights and she is night-blind. She also hates mountains. Only Coke and cactus ice cream can calm her on the ascent.

Nevertheless, Rebecca Maria Salentin simply sets off one day, packed with backpack, tent and cooker, to walk 2 700 kilometres. On the International Mountain Trail EB from Eisenach to Budapest (also: “Path of Friendship”), she recovers the ground under her feet after losing almost everything the year before. What remained: her friends and girlfriends. Together they form the club Drushba. Because “Druzhba” means friendship.